Welcome to My Blog!

My life is crazy, peaceful, dramatic, stressed, spiritual, fast-paced, beautiful...my life is a living fairytale. =)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Haven't blogged in awhile...

Wow, when I started this blog I told myself that I would blog ALL the time...well, we see how far that got!  Life always has a nasty habit of creeping up on you & unloading tons of drama/stress/hard times, etc.

Homeschooling is going good...Tater is a smart cookie & so far we haven't hit any brick walls in his education so I feel good about what we're accomplishing in that area.

Baby Hunny isn't so much of a baby anymore! She is 16 months old & is into everything! Tater never got into anything he wasn't supposed to but that's all Baby Hunny does! She's always into the cabinets...sneaking into her brother's bedroom..pulling clean laundry off the couch...her energy never ends! She's such a cutie though.

I'm going to post more of our homeschooling projects & work soon =)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Me!

My Prince Charming & I have been married for 8 years! WoW! 8 years is a long time..but I am ready to spend 8 Million more years with him!

My Mom watched the kids while we went out. He took me to my favorite fancy restaurant, Yaya's, & we had the best, most scrumptious food ever! I had a pasta dish which was wonderful...while Prince Charming had fish.

I am so thankful that we are married...I love him more now than I did when we were first together. He is a hard worker, an amazing Dad, an attentive husband.... I just thank God that He sent me someone so wonderful to spend my life with!

 I love you Prince Charming!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Miracle Grow Plants

Tater got this Miracle Grow plant set for his 5th birthday & we have so enjoyed watching the plants grow! I was actually more excited than him when they finally sprouted! LOL

Adventures in Homeschooling

I always knew that I wanted to homeschool my kids. Even before I had any!

Here's some back history on me... My Grandparents opened a private school in their church & that's where I went from 7th-12th & my Mom was my teacher. It was a great experience for me...Sure, we had drama, catfights, cute boys, etc., but not on the level of a public school. I have some amazing memories from my time at the private school & when I graduated, I taught classes there for four years until the school eventually closed.

Now, Prince Charming on the other hand, went to public school his entire school-career. He was against homeschooling from the beginning. I would bring it up when our oldest, Tater, was a baby & he would look at me like "why are we having this conversation again?" But I thought that I could convince him (eventually).

Fast forward a few years...We added Baby Hunny to our family &  I was stressed to the max! So, we decided to send Tater, who was 4 at the time, to pre-school. My heart was torn on the matter...sure, I felt like I was on the brink of a nervous breakdown with a newborn & a rowdy 4 year old boy...added with the other everyday stresses that we all encounter...but he was still just a little boy & I felt like I was sending him out to the big world! Of course, he did great at pre-school...he never even cried for me, not even one day. He learned lots of neat things & had two wonderful teachers...but I still knew that I wanted to homeschool. I continued to bring it up to Prince Charming occasionally....but he didn't get on board until his BFF - Brother from another Mother - kids were given the wrong flu shot at their public school. Prince Charming was appalled that they could give the kids the wrong shot (the kids ended up being fine!) so he was on board 100%. =)

We didn't do a Summer break after Tater finished pre-school in May because I thought that it would mess up the schedule we already had going. In the beginning (which was like a minute ago!) I thought that it would be all lollipops & butterflies...Sure we are getting up everyday & doing 8 hours of school....Sure my kids are going to be perfect angels 24/7....Sure my house is going to stay spotless...YEAH RIGHT! I have learned quickly that we cannot keep to a perfect schedule everyday. Some days are better than others, & yes, it's hard to balance everything but I am up to the task!

With God all things are possible! Amen!


Monday, July 25, 2011

I hate the Internet

Sometimes, I seriously hate the internet! I know that's not the most mature thing to do...but it aggravates me! I mean really - we live in the day & age of "instant" everything & when I want to get on-line to do something important (like pay our electricity bill so it doesn't get turned off!) or something not so important (Facebook) that's when the internet is messed up or SLLLLOOOOOWWWWW as molasses!

On the other hand...I'm old enough to remember what it was like BEFORE the internet (yes, I'm practically a dinosaur..) so I do appreciate what it has brought to society as a whole. I mean- 3 out of 4 of my grandparents have a Facebook. These are people who grew up without electricity or indoor plumbing & now they can click a button & see what everyone's up to!

So I guess it's a Love/Hate relationship. =)


New to blogging

I have always enjoyed reading other people's blogs....& actually had started a blog about a year ago & never did anything with it. Then I started another blog when I was really into "crafting" but life caught up with me again & I never did anything with that blog either. So maybe, third time's a charm??? I don't know...but I'm going to give it a go again & see what happens!